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Join us at our regular meetings to share ideas, enjoy writing activities and learn more about the world of writing for wellbeing. We also run larger writing for wellbeing events. Find out more below.


Writing in the Wardrobe with Judi Sissons

Sat 13 Jul 2024: 1 - 3.30p.m.

Calthorpe Community Garden 258-274 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8LH

Join Judi Sissons from The Writing Space for a workshop delving into the world of clothing and fashion. Come and write about clothes, your own and other people's.

Wardrobes are full of memories - of people, places and events. Clothes you love, and clothes you no longer wear but can't let go of. Together, we'll explore clothes, real and imagined. The meanings they hold for us and what they say about us. Step into the magical world of wardrobes and write about threads, duds, rags and feathers!

We will read some short, published writing and spend time writing in response to creative prompts. There will be time for optional sharing of writing and discussion.

Please bring (or wear) an item of clothing you enjoy wearing and would like to write about. Alternatively, you can bring a photo of yourself wearing an outfit you like!

To Book, click on the link below.

Booking via Eventbrite 

More about our meetings...

Our meetings usually take place every two months, on a Saturday, at a location in central London or via Zoom.

  • For face-to-face meetings, the cost is £15 for non-members and £10 for Lapidus members, payable on the day.​
  • For Zoom meetings, the cost is £15 for non-members and £10 for Lapidus members payable by Eventbrite, PayPal or cash on the day).
  • We will also be offering free zoom meetings throughout the year.

We try to keep our prices low, but also need to cover the high cost of venues in Central London.

Lapidus London
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